Wednesday 7 November 2012

Strength and Conditioning Workshop

Talking through the fundamentals of S&C
Yesterday evening 24 B2P members were put through their paces by Olympic 400m finalist Tim Benjamin, at his new 5star gym in Windsor ( I am not sure if he was very impressed with our strength (or lack of), but we all tried hard and I think he saw a lot of 'potential'! What it did drum home is how much better we could all be, if only we could support our own bodyweight...

The routine he showed us addresses typical weak areas for triathletes, and if done twice a week, will safeguard from injury, allow correct movement patterns, and make you faster and stronger. If you choose not to do this and simply swim, bike and run, you will untap only a small percentage of your potential. Strength and Conditioning is vitally important if you have any aspirations of being the best you can be.

Here is the routine.


Penguin walks:

1*30 metres, keeping toes off the ground as high as possible (to recruit Tibialis Anterior at front of shins: helping prevent shin splints and stabilising ankle). Move slowly!

Penguin walks

Over ankle drill: 

2*30 metres. Small running steps in a cyclical motion, landing on mid foot (not too toe-y and certainly not on heels). Spending as little time on the ground as possible. Ratio of 4:1 - leg in air:on ground. To encourage mid-foot landing and quick leg turnover.

Walking lunge:

3* 10 metres. Keeping core stabilised (hold stomach in, as if you are trying to fit in your tightest jeans) lunge forward looking out for knee, hip and torso stability: nothing should tilt or sway! Make sure weight is evenly distributed between both legs: keep upright and lunge straight down, not forward!

Walking lunge

ACTIVATION PHASE: to get the correct muscles firing and ready to work!

Crab walk:

3*20 metres. Squat down, then keeping low, side-step (using large steps), keeping torso stable. Activates glues and in particular glute med - a key stabilising muscle than is notoriously ineffective if left to its own devices. Keep weight in heels.

Crab walk

Single leg bridge:

10 reps each side, holding 5 secs each side (20 reps total). Keeping hips high to activate glutes, lower back, and hamstrings, lift one leg from the floor, ensuring hips are absolutely stable at all times through the set!

Single leg bridge

Heel to ceiling:

10 reps each side, holding for 5 secs each time (20 reps total). On all 4's with hands directly below shoulders and maintaining neutral spine position, bring your heel up to the ceiling with a90 degree bend in the knee. Squeeze as high as you can. Great for glute and hamstring activation.

Heel to ceiling

Single Leg squat and hold.

Everyone's favourite. With the back leg on a raised platform, perform 10 stable lunges. On the 10th lunge, go down and then hold position for 10 secs. Go straight back into 10 lunges, then on the 10th, hold again. And once more! Once you have done this, switch lead legs and repeat immediately. Keep upright with your torso and weight distribution even between both legs.

Single leg squat and hold

MOBILISATION PHASE: to increase range of motion whilst maintaining strength element.

Wall Squats:

3*10 reps. Facing the wall, with your toes as close to the wall as posssible, squat down as far as you can, keeping your face as close to, but not touching the wall. Keep weight in heels.

Wall squats

Overhead squat:

3*10 reps. Using a light bar or broom stick, reach above and behind your head as far and as high as possible, keeping your arms straight up. Perform slow squats trying to ensure the bar does not come forward. Great for shoulder and back range of movement. 

OH squat: keep that bar straight!


Crab walks with resistance

3*20 metres with a theraband around your knees. Perform last rep with arms straight above head for developing range of movement and adding an additional challenge! 

Crab walk with resistance band


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